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Boat and Personal Watercraft Insurance

A day at the lake is relaxing, inviting and fun. But make sure you have proper coverage for the type of recreation you enjoy. Watercraft insurance is designed to protect you, your boat and possible injury to others.

Areas We Cover

We help you Hit the Mark by offering the following coverages:

• Damage to the boat
• Fuel spill liability
• New boat replacement
• Medical coverage
• Wreckage removal

We also provide liability for damages and injuries caused to other people, boats, or docks to make your time on the water safer for everyone.
Not all boats are the same. That is why we offer specialized packages to cover different types of boats. So it doesn’t matter if you have a fishing boat, powerboat, sailboat, or pontoon boat; we can match you with the best package for your needs.

Request An Appointment or a Quote

Please fill out the contact form and one of our specialist will contact you.