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Mexico Car Insurance

Every year thousands of Americans drive into Mexico. Many may not know, however, that their American car insurance is invalid in Mexico. If you enter Mexico with a rental car or one that you own, you need a special type of car insurance. Whether you want to take a leisurely road trip through our neighbor to the south, or you need to conduct business, you need to purchase a Mexico Car Insurance Policy to be protected.

Why Do You Need Car Insurance in Mexico?

Mexico does not recognize American auto insurance policies. If you get into an accident anywhere in Mexico, you will not be able to use your car insurance to cover the damages. As a result, Mexican authorities may arrest you and impound your car until the matter can be settled.

What Do I Need In Order To Purchase a Mexico Auto Policy?

It is a very simple and speedy process. Here is what we will need:

  • The type of car you drive
  • The value of your car
  • What limits you want
  • How long you are in Mexico
  • Where you are driving in Mexico
  • If any driver is under 21
  • If you are towing anything

Let Bullseye Insurance help you make this purchase today!

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